Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW)

The TLC is excited to launch Instructional Skills Workshops (ISW) for ECU faculty and staff. There is no cost for current ECU instructors (including TAs, CS instructors and techs) to participate.
ISWs are delivered to a group of 4-5 colleagues, who work together with an experienced facilitator to extend and deepen their teaching practice through reflection and collaboration. Both new and experienced educators can benefit from participating.
Over 3-4 sessions, participants practice several approaches to teaching and reflection, including:
- models for writing learning objectives and lesson plans;
- techniques to encourage participation, engagement and motivation;
- ideas to build trust and classroom community;
- suggestions for evaluating learning;
- strategies for giving and receiving feedback
ISWs are recognized at all BC public post-secondary institutions and many around the world. Each participant will receive a certificate of completion that can be included in teaching applications and dossiers.
If you are interested in participating in an ISW, please email to find out upcoming dates and registration details. Or you can also request a workshop here.